Nine Dragons Bathing Sakyamuni
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Uploaded:Apr 05, 2012 20:12
Nine Dragons Bathing Sakyamuni is one of the most famous attractions of the Lingshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area. According to Buddhist sutra, Sakyamuni was able to speak when he was born. He took seven steps toward the east and then the south, west and north. Every time he took a step, a lotus flower appeared behind him. Then he pointed to the heaven with one hand and to the Earth with the other, saying “I alone am honored in Heaven and on Earth”. Suddenly, nine dragons appeared in heaven and bathed him.
The Lingshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area reproduces the scene depicting the nine dragons bathing Sakyamuni.
The Lingshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area reproduces the scene depicting the nine dragons bathing Sakyamuni.
Related Information:
Mt. Lingshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area 
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