Baoji Bronze Ware Museum
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Uploaded:Mar 02, 2012 19:41
As the cradle of Zhou and Qin Civilization, Baoji is famed as “town of bronze wares" with many historical sites.
Located on the South Gongyuan Road, Baoji Bronze Ware Museum is the only bronze-themed museum in China. It was opened to the public in 1998. On Sep. 28, 2010, it was renamed and moved to Shigu Park. Today, it is open to visitors for free.
Located on the South Gongyuan Road, Baoji Bronze Ware Museum is the only bronze-themed museum in China. It was opened to the public in 1998. On Sep. 28, 2010, it was renamed and moved to Shigu Park. Today, it is open to visitors for free.
Related Information:
Baoji Travel Guide 
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