West Lake in Hangzhou

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In ancient times, Hangzhou was named Qiantang. Hence, the West Lake was called Qiantang Lake. During the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD), the lake covered an area of 2693 acres (10.9 square kilometers). Today, its area decreases to 1,581 acres (6.4 square kilometers).

The West Lake Scenic Area includes one hill (Solitary Hill), two pagodas (Leifeng Pagoda and Baochu Pagoda), three islets (Hu Xin Ting, Xiao Ying Zhou and Ruan Gong Dun), three causeways (Bai Causeway, Su Causeway and Yanggong Causeway) and five lakes (Outer Lake, West Innter Lake, North Inner Lake, Yuehu Lake and Lesser South Lake).

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