A Night View of Guilin Gold & Silver Twin Tower

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As two landmarks in Guilin, the Gold and Silver Twin Towers are located at Banyan Lake and the Cedar Lake Scenic Area.

With a height of 41 meters (about 134.5 feet), the Gold Tower is a nine-story tower built of bronze. There are tea houses on the first and second floors in the tower. Visitors can enjoy good tea as well as the beautiful scenery outside. To visit the Gold Tower, the tourists have to go through an underground passage where they can see many carp and seaweed above.

The Silver Tower is a seven-story tower with a height of approximately 35 meters (115 feet). It is decorated with colored glaze tiles. Near the tower are some huge Tai Chi drums. Visitors can beat the drums if they like.

At night, the two towers give off golden and silver lights when the lights turn on. Hence, they are named as Gold and Silver Twin Towers.

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