2017 TravelChinaGuide New Year Gala

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Views:4277 Uploaded:Jan 18, 2017 19:06
  • 00:07Warm-up Dance Show
  • 02:33Comic Dialogues
  • 03:05Spanish Flamenco
  • 03:41Skit: Running Thief
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On January 14, 2017, TravelChinaGuide.com held the 2017 New Year Family Gala at Ruicheng China Restaurant in Xian.

The party began at 5:30pm with a warm-up dance show by our beauties from Booking Center. Soon, all audience were affected by the cheerful atmosphere. Next, a solo by a cute girl won loud applause. Then there came the Excellent Staff Awarding Ceremony to give thanks for the hard work of the winners. Following the ceremony was a Spanish dance, a skit and some fun games.

Stepping into a new year, TCG extends the best wishes to all. We will continue to provide high-quality services to ensure our clients a pleasant China tour!

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  • From: China