Luoyang White Horse Temple
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Uploaded:Apr 27, 2012 22:34
About 12 kilometers from the old town area in Luoyang, the White Horse Temple, built in 68 AD, was the oldest Buddhist temple.
History tells it that the Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty saw a golden man with a halo around him in his dream. Fu Yi, his minister identified the golden man as a Buddha. Consequently the Emperor Ming sought for Buddhist sutras in the year of 64 AD. Three years later, two Indian monks, She Moteng and Zhu Falan, returned with the mission which he had sent. Thus Buddhism was introduced to China.
The Emperor Ming constructed an Indian style building to house the two Indian monks and facilitated translation of Buddhist sutras into Chinese. The building was named Bai Ma Si (White Horse Temple) after the beast of burden which transported the sutras over land.
History tells it that the Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty saw a golden man with a halo around him in his dream. Fu Yi, his minister identified the golden man as a Buddha. Consequently the Emperor Ming sought for Buddhist sutras in the year of 64 AD. Three years later, two Indian monks, She Moteng and Zhu Falan, returned with the mission which he had sent. Thus Buddhism was introduced to China.
The Emperor Ming constructed an Indian style building to house the two Indian monks and facilitated translation of Buddhist sutras into Chinese. The building was named Bai Ma Si (White Horse Temple) after the beast of burden which transported the sutras over land.
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White Horse Temple 
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