2014 New Year Banquet of TravelChinaGuide

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Views:8169 Uploaded:Jan 26, 2014 01:39
  • 01:39Dance Time
  • 04:48Singing
  • 07:28Game Time
  • 10:56Staff's field trips
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TravelChinaGuide held the 2014 New Year Banquet at a Sichuan Cuisine Restaurant called Guo Li Ren He on January 11. This year’s New Year banquet is different from the previous ones. Some special guests including our volunteer Jenni Johnston and our staff’s family members were invited to attend our New Year banquet. TravelChinaGuide really appreciates our volunteers and staff’s great contributions and thanks our staff’s family members for their support to our staff.

Some of our staff and their family members brought us superb performances such as “Gentleman” dance, solo singing “The Spirit of Your Eyes” and “Price Tag”, and interesting games “Paste the Nose”, “Baby Guess” and “Who Is the Spy?”.

The outstanding employee awarding ceremony and lucky draw are two highlights of the New Year Banquets. Six elite staff received their certificates and prizes and the lucky staff got rich prizes provided by TravelChinaGuide.

2014 Chinese New Year is coming soon. TravelChinaGuide wishes you a happy new year and make a great fortune in the year of the horse.

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